March 1, 2025
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Shawn Lemon, un défenseur avec les Montréal Alouettes, fut suspendu à vie pour avoir misé sur des matchs de CFL, dont un où il a participé.

Cette décision a été confirmée par un arbitre indépendant. On Wednesday morning, the Canadian Football League announced, but it did not mention the duration of the penalty for the American player. CFL Commissioner Randy Ambrosie a fait part d’une déclaration affirmant :

“Nous respectons la décision de l’arbitre et le très important précédent qui a été établi.” “L’intégrité d’un sport est essentielle. Tout le monde impliqué dans notre jeu – joueurs, supporters, et autres – doit pouvoir avoir confiance en la justice concurrentielle de la league.

“La décision d’aujourd’hui maintient cette norme et met en évidence la position de la CFL contre la manipulation des matchs.” Les Alouettes réagirent rapidement. “L’organisation des Alouettes a et continuera de soutenir les réglementations de jeu de la league.”

La franchise a publié une déclaration affirmant : “Nous considérons la décision de l’arbitre indépendant avec le plus grand respect et nous sommes déterminés à préserver l’intégrité de la ligue.” the envelope d’ouverture Utilisez le temps de voyage pour planifier votre prochain voyage ; il propose des offres de voyage, des lieux et des équipements.

Shawn Lemon intégra les Alouettes le 24 juillet 2023, et depuis lors, il a joué un rôle important dans notre locker room et notre communauté. Nous souhaitons exprimer notre reconnaissance envers lui pour tous ses efforts au cours des 13 derniers mois sur notre équipe.

Two weeks after Lemon surprisely announced his retirement on April 24, the league had initially suspended him for a long time, alors qu’il avait simplement obtenu une prolongation d’un an.

Par la suite, il a eu des réflexions et a décidé de contester son interdiction, ce qui lui a permis de revenir aux Alouettes pour des séances de préparation et des jeux.

Lemon a joué quatre matchs pour les Alouettes cette saison, marquant six tackles et un sac. Après que Lemon a tenté de reporter l’audience à l’aube d’août, le CFL a annoncé qu’une audience d’arbitrage serait organisée, mais a demandé que la prohibition soit mise en vigueur immédiatement.

Étant donné qu’il considère qu’une interdiction immédiate jusqu’à la procédure d’arbitrage est « justifiable et raisonnable », l’arbitre indépendant dans cette affaire a conclu en faveur du club.

According to the league, an inquiry revealed that Lemon had placed wagers on games in 2021 while he was a member of the Calgary Stampeders, but there was no proof that his wagers had an impact on the outcome. Finalement, les 2 et 5 août furent désignés pour l’appel de Lemon.

Nouvelles importantes!! Danny Maciocia, le GM des Alouettes de Montréal, a été suspendu…10 minutes plus tôt


Shawn Lemon, a defensive end with the Montreal Alouettes, was suspended indefinitely for placing bets on CFL games, including one in which he participated. This decision was upheld by an independent arbitrator.

The Canadian Football League made the announcement on Wednesday morning, although they did not say how long the American player would face a penalty.

CFL Commissioner Randy Ambrosie issued a statement saying, “We respect the arbitrator’s decision and the significant precedent that has been established.” “Any sport’s integrity is crucial. Everyone involved in our game—players, supporters, and others—must be able to trust in the league’s competitive fairness.

“Today’s ruling maintains that benchmark and emphasizes the CFL’s stance against match manipulation.” The Alouettes reacted quickly.

“The Alouettes organization has and will continue to support the league’s gaming regulations. The franchise released a statement saying, “We hold the independent arbitrator’s decision in the highest regard and we are committed to maintaining the integrity of the league.

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Shawn Lemon became a member of the Alouettes on July 24, 2023, and since then, he has played a significant role in both our locker room and community.

We would want to express our gratitude to him for all of his efforts over the past 13 months on our team. Two weeks after Lemon unexpectedly announced his retirement on April 24, the league had first placed him on indefinite suspension even though he had just signed a one-year contract extension.

Later on, he had second thoughts and decided to contest his ban, which gave him permission to rejoin the Alouettes for practice and games.

Lemon has played in four games for the Alouettes this season, recording six tackles and one sack. After Lemon attempted to move the hearing to early August, the CFL stated that an arbitration hearing would occur but requested that the ban be put into effect right away.

Because he believes that an immediate ban until the arbitration hearing is “justifiable and reasonable,” the independent arbitrator in this case found in favor of the league.

According to the league, an inquiry revealed that Lemon had placed wagers on games in 2021 while he was a member of the Calgary Stampeders, but there was no proof that his wagers had an impact on the outcome. In the end, August 2 and 5 were designated for Lemon’s appeal hearing. The ruling of the impartial arbiter is final.



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